Vital to Middlemarch is the possibility that Dorothea Brooke can’t want to accomplish the courageous stature of a fig…
Cognitive Dissonance: One of the most influential approaches in social psychology is the principle of cognitive cons…
It is considered that colonialism is the internal disarticulation and external integration of the rural economy and t…
Regionalism: Historically regionalism began with the conquest of Burma. Historically, traditionally and to a great ex…
Early attempts at producing literary works were rather gentrified, written in the English style for an English audien…
Characteristics of a Good Questionnaire: Following are the characteristics of a good questionnaire: 1. Purpose: The…
इंग्लैंड में औद्योगिक क्रांति ने न केवल इंग्लैंड में बल्कि यूरोप के बाकी हिस्सों में भी औद्योगीकरण को बढ़ावा दिया। औद…
Archaeological evidence from the Vedic period depicts that the Vedic society indulged in a pastoral form of occupatio…
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